Volume 12, Issue 1, (2025): Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi

We are pleased to present Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, Volume 12, No. 1 (2025), featuring six insightful articles that reflect the dynamic advancements in plastic and reconstructive surgery. This issue highlights a diverse range of topics, from innovative surgical techniques to the integration of artificial intelligence in clinical practice.
Among the notable contributions, a systematic review and meta-analysis assess the efficacy of amniotic membrane in burn care, while a five-year epidemiological study provides a comprehensive analysis of mandible fractures in Bali. Additionally, a single-surgeon experience with microvascular free flap surgery sheds light on key factors influencing viability. The intersection of AI and reconstructive surgery is explored through a study predicting free flap viability by integrating lactate and glucose measurements. Furthermore, an in-depth literature review examines the role and safety of autologous fat grafting in breast augmentation, while a participatory action research study investigates the challenges of implementing the Braden Scale for pressure injury risk assessment in South-Eastern Indonesia.
We extend our gratitude to our dedicated editors and reviewers for their meticulous efforts in ensuring the quality of this publication. May this issue serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners worldwide.
Enjoy reading, and we look forward to your continued contributions!

Best Regard,

Narottama Tunjung, MD

Published : 31-03-2025

Journal Info

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Editor-in-Chief: dr. Narottama Tunjung, Sp.B.P.R.E., F.L.
Frequency: 2 issues per year (March & September)
National Accreditation: Sinta 3
Email: info@jprjournal.com

Video Article

Atmodiwirjo P, Ramadan MR, Triatmoko SE, Ralena NA. How to Harvest Radial Forearm Free Flap. J Plast Rekons 2020;7(1):7-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14228/jpr.v7i1.296  


Since October 2020, Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi has received Accreditation from the Ministry of Technology Research / National Research and Innovation Agency (SINTA 3)


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ISSN : 2089-6492
Online ISSN : 2089-9734
Publisher: The Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik Foundation and is the official journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Residency Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.

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