Early Dangling Protocol Post Lower Extremity Free Flap Surgery: An Evidence-based Case Report

Volume 10, Issue 2, (2023) Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi | Pages : 50-56

DOI: 10.14228/jprjournal.v10i2.346   Reader : 6 times PDF Download : 0 times


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  • Free Tissue Flaps
  • Lower extremity
  • Postoperative period
  • Early Ambulation

Author Information

Parintosa Atmodiwirjo

Reconstructive Microsurgery Section, Division of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Email: parintosa.atmodiwirjo@ui.ac.id

ORCID : https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8912-0468

Timothy Aditya

Reconstructive Microsurgery Section, Division of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Email: timothykho7@gmail.com

Muhammad Tafdhil Tardha

Reconstructive Microsurgery Section, Division of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Jakarta, Indonesia.

Email: mtafdhiltardha@gmail.com

Fadli Nazwan Sani

Reconstructive Microsurgery Section, Division of Plastic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Jakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia.

Email: fadlisani31@gmail.com

Article History

Submitted : 4 January 2025
Revised : 4 January 2025
Published : 22 September 2023

How to Cite This

Atmodiwirjo, P., Aditya, T., Tardha, M. T., & Sani, F. N. (2023). Early Dangling Protocol Post Lower Extremity Free Flap Surgery: An Evidence-based Case Report. Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi, 10(2), 50–56. https://doi.org/10.14228/jprjournal.v10i2.346

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Editor-in-Chief: dr. Narottama Tunjung, Sp.B.P.R.E., F.L.
Frequency: 2 issues per year (March & September)
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Email: info@jprjournal.com

Video Article

Atmodiwirjo P, Ramadan MR, Triatmoko SE, Ralena NA. How to Harvest Radial Forearm Free Flap. J Plast Rekons 2020;7(1):7-9. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14228/jpr.v7i1.296  


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ISSN : 2089-6492
Online ISSN : 2089-9734
Publisher: The Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik Foundation and is the official journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Residency Program, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.

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