Vol. 9 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi
The editor-in-chief, Narottama Tunjung, MD, and the entire editorial boards of the Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi are glad to publish the first issue of the 9th volume of the journal.
There are two published articles from Reconstructive sections are as follows:
(1). Paramedian Forehead Flap for Nasal Tip Reconstruction Related to Barbed Suture Infection by Ariani et al. and (2) Teamwork Approach in Management of Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (ZMC) Fracture with Globe Rupture: A Case Report by Ratna Martina et al.
In Craniofacial we have two articles by Bangun et al.: (1) Protocol for Cleft Palate Repair in Cleft and Craniofacial Centre Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Indonesia: A Preliminary Study, and (2) Repair of Enophthalmus in Neglected Tetrapod Zygoma Fracture with Diced Cartilage Graft and Fascia Lata Sling Graft: A Case Report.
Finally, We presented two a Wound Healing/Experimental articles : (1) Comparison Study of Bacterial Profile, Wound Healing, and Cost Effectiveness in Pressure Injury Patients Using Treatment Honey Dressing and Hydrogel by Putri et al., and (2) The Effectiveness of Intradermal Suture Technique on Hypertrophic Scar Prevention in Rats by Wihastyoko et al.
Thank you to our dedicated editorial boards and reviewers for their fantastic contributions to this issue. We hope readers enjoy it and welcome comments and feedback via letters to the editor for publication in our upcoming issue in September 2022.
If you have an article or case you would like to submit for consideration, or a special topic, reviews, or practical, non-clinical skills for surgeons, and also video articles please view our Author Guidelines.
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi was established by the Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik Foundation (LSBP), a non-profit organization, as the sole funder and sponsor. With its generous contribution toward operational and publication costs from the LSBP Foundation since 2012, Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi able to provide high-quality peer-reviewed articles to its reader, and granting most of its article’s author free to low Article Processing Charge (APC). Please read our APC and APC Waiver policy.
For questions relating to submissions, please email us at editor@jprjournal.com.
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