Vol. 8 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi
The editor-in-chief, M. Rachadian Ramadan, M.D, and the entire editorial boards of the Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi are happy to announce the release of the first issue of the 8th volume of the journal.
Two newly published articles from Microsurgery sections are as follows:
(1) Microsurgical Reconstruction During Covid-19 Pandemic Setting: A Systematic Review and Clinical Applications by Parintosa Atmodiwirjo, Mohamad Rachadian Ramadan, Nadhira Anindita Ralena, Sara Ester Triatmoko, and; (2) Characterizing the Functional and Cosmetic Outcomes of Pedicled Neck Flaps in Patients Who Underwent Partial Tongue Resection: A Systematic Review by Parintosa Atmodiwirjo, Nadhira Anindita Ralena, Mohamad Rachadian Ramadan, Sara Ester Triatmoko
In Burns we have three articles: (1) The Effect of Early Tangential Excision and Split Thickness Skin Graft in Reducing Length of Stay in Burns Patients in Jakarta Islamic Hospital Cempaka Putih by Gammaditya Adhibarata Winarno, Aditya Wardhana, Sanjaya Faisal Tanjunga, A. S Augiani, An’umillah Arini Zidna; (2) Nutrition Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic Burn Patient by Dian Araminta Ramadhania, Aditya Wardhana, Wina Sinaga, Yohannessa Wulandari, Mulianah Daya, Lily Indriani Octovia, and; (3) The Difference in TBSA Estimation Between Emergency Room and Burn Unit in Second Tier Hospital in Central Jakarta, by Aditya Wardhana, Gammaditya A. Winarno, Sanjaya F. Tanjunga, An’umillah Arini Zidna, Amani S. Augiani.
In Reconstructive, we have two articles: (1) Keystone Flap for Reconstruction of Sacral and Ischial Pressure Injury, by Narottama Tunjung, & Nandita Melati Putri, and; (2) A Rapid Growth of Verrucous Carcinoma After Biopsy: Treatment and Reconstruction by Angelica Gracia Budhipramono, Sweety Pribadi.
Finally, we are presented with 3 unique articles on the Craniofacial section: (1) Apert Syndrome: Case Series and Review of The Literature by Silvina Silvina, Rizka Khairiza, Muhammad Rizqy Setyarto, (2) Application of Buccal Fat Pad as Adjunct Flap for Lateral Defect Closure in Palatoplasty, and; (3) Nasal Aesthetic Evaluation Following Pre-Surgical Naso-Alveolar Molding Application: A Single-Blinded Cohort Retrospective Study in Indonesia by Dr. dr. Kristaninta Bangun, SpBP-RE(KKF), Prof. dr. Chaula Luthfia Sukasah, SpB, SpBP-RE(K), dr. Jenisa Amanda Sandiarini Kamayana, MRes, dr. Adi Basuki, dr. Jessica Halim, MRes, dr. Nur Eulis Pujiastuti Nahdiyat, MRes, dr. Agatha Novell Harsanto, & dr. Arvin Pramudita.
Thank you to our dedicated editorial boards and reviewers for their fantastic contributions to this issue. We hope readers enjoy it and welcome comments and feedback via letters to the editor for publication in our September issue.
If you have an article or case you would like to submit for consideration, or a special topic, reviews, or practical, non-clinical skills for surgeons, and also video articles please view our guidelines here.
Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi was established by the Lingkar Studi Bedah Plastik Foundation (LSBP), a non-profit organization, as the sole funder and sponsor. With its generous contribution toward operational and publication costs from the LSBP Foundation since 2012, Jurnal Plastik Rekonstruksi able to provide high-quality peer-reviewed articles to its reader, and granting most of its article’s author free to low Article Processing Charge (APC). Please read our APC and APC Waiver policy.
For questions relating to submissions, please email us at editor@jprjournal.com.
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